The Chianina

The Chianina, an ancient breed that dates back to Umbro-Etruscan times, has been raise min Umbria, Tuscany and Latium for over twenty-two centuries. Ita has a porcelain-white coat with slate-gray skin and black pigmentation around the natural orifices. Its head is light and expressive and it has short horns. The Chianina ha s long cylindrical trunk with a thick wide back and loins, a broad horizontal rump, long convex-shaped thighs and buttocks, a solid but lightweight skeletal structure and correct perpendicularity. Calves are wheat-colored at birth , but by the age of three-four months their coat runs to the color typical of this breed. In this breed, which is renowned for its somatic gigantism, calving is completely spontaneous - even for calves wighing up to 50 kg - thanks to the Chianina's typical dolichomorphic structure. Cows weigh an average of 800-900 kgs and wight can often go as high as 1000 kgs. The most famous Chianina bulls have reached truly outstanding sizes of 1700 kgs in weight, with a height of two meters at  the withers. Growth potential in the best subjects can exceed 2 kgs a day. Ideal slaughter weight is 650-700 kgs at ana age of 16-18 months, for a yield of 64-65%. Chianina beef is famous for its excellence as well as for its good nutritional value.